
"Children’s motivation – one of the key factors"
                     - mgr Lila Bitson - Klinkosz

Among many other factors, such as the child’s age, first language literacy, and personality, motivation seems to be one of the key factors influencing the effectiveness in acquiring a foreign language.

Children are enthusiastic and lively as learners, but they can also lose interest quite quickly. That is why motivation while learning a foreign language is very important. When there is no motivation, the brain is blocked for new impulses.

When children acquire their native language, meaningful input, practice, and interaction are constrained by the stage of their own cognitive, social and emotional development. Different achievements are possible at different stages: language learning is determined by their development and maturity (Rebok 1987; Dakowska 2005).

Gesell, a psychologist and pediatrician claims that children below ten enjoy the language experience, and if their motivation is high, they are able to learn a second or even a third language. That is why the role of a teacher in young learner classes is undeniable. It is important to bear in mind, that it is hard for children to keep motivated, especially on a task they find difficult.

Teachers often influence children to learn the language with their own motivation. However, the attitude of parents also plays a very significant role. It is important that the child has positive emotions connected with the foreign language, which activate the reward systems in the brain, which in turn helps in leading to motivation.

That is why children need:
•    to feel that they are making progress,
•    continual encouragement,
•    praise for good performance,
•    support from teachers and parents.

All these factors encourage children to further develop and achieve.

As it was said above, it is essential to boost motivation in children. This task is not only teachers’, but also parents’. Intrinsic motivation – the one coming from inside, is important here. Children do many things because they wish to do them. They make their own choices and achieve satisfaction. When an activity generates motivation, it is mostly self-sufficient for as long as children want to continue the activity.

Children also engage in some activities because adults tell them to, or in an effort to please another party. This is called extrinsic motivation – coming from outside. It is more difficult for children “to sustain an extrinsically motivated activity because of this reliance upon some outside force. Since intrinsically motivated activity is more rewarding in and of itself, children learn more from this sort of activity, and they retain that learning better.

Intrinsically motivated children are more involved in their own learning and development. In other words, a child is more likely to learn and retain information when he/she is intrinsically motivated - when he/she believes he/she is pleasing himself/herself”. But above all, teachers should be highly motivated themselves and also patient and understanding for the children. Among other things they have to create the right environment and encourage children.

    The earlier a child starts to learn languages the better. The abilities of our brain are changing over time. Children’s brain cells make many new connections, and thanks to brain plasticity, acquiring a new language seems to be easier and more natural. There is also a critical period around puberty, after which especially phonology of a foreign language can be problematic.

    The younger the child is, the more second language acquisition seems to be a natural process, more similar to first language acquisition. It is useful for teachers and parents to bear in mind that children are social and active learners and thinkers, and that they learn effectively through scaffolding by adults.

    Since motivation is very important, it is crucial to provide children with an appropriate environment, so that they can pick up the foreign language quicker and more effective. It is advisable that a language-learning environment gives a feeling of security, provides activities that are interesting and fun, and gives a possibility to move. Teachers are expected to use adjusted language and be supportive to children.